
We are offering solutions for crowd and traffic management, as well as smart shopping

Crowd Management

Crowd monitoring enables customers and organizations to understand how a crowd of people is moving through an open space. This is done by using various technologies to understand not the individual movement of a single person but the flow of a group of people.

Crowd management technologies have moved on significantly over the past few years.

Understanding the flow of people not only allows to ensure public safety and security, but also gives highly valuable insights into the dynamics of eg. customers in a shopping mall or passengers on a train station platform.

With the insights generated from a crowd monitoring solution, educated decisions can be made to properly manage the people flow, to support public safety and to understand the occupancy of an area.

We offer similar solutions for traffic management and classfication. Understanding traffic pattern of eg. cars, vs. bicycles and trucks are crucial to build smart cities.

The GDPR Aspect

Generally crowd monitoring is done using standard video analytics or CCTV technology. This is, especially in EMEA, a challenge being compliant with GDPR.


Video, by default, captures personally identifiable information (PII), which is forbidden by law in public spaces for non-governmental entities.


We are using three dimensional Lidar sensors. These sensors are not capturing any PII. They only capture a three-dimensional point cloud of any surrounding. The accuracy of the sensors in combination with an AI based perception layer is far above those of a traditional video camera, also providing directional information as well as velocity and classification of objects.

This allows us to provide the needed information for crowd monitoring,  footfall analysis and traffic information.

Smart Shopping

To compete with other retailers, especially in a digitized world becomes challenging. Understanding the movement of customers, product interaction, effectiveness of promotions and advertising is important. Analyzing the footfall and understanding the movement patterns in a store, a mall, an airport or a train station help to become more efficient and to understand the customer expectations and needs. 

But modern shoppers want more, they want a frictionless, fast and easy shopping experience. Information in realtime about their shopping basket, promotions etc, ideally at their finger tips. CCTV-based solutions can solve some these challenges, but a combination of Lidars and smart shop infrastructure together can enhance such a solution and create a new shopping experience for the customers. 

With our smart vending machines and autonomous store concept we can build unique smart shopping solutions. 

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